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The Junior membership is for Children 17yo or younger.

Membership of the North West Car Club is from January – December inclusive each year.

For the 1st time only membership, joining in November - December includes the following year (up to 14 months membership).  


Membership can be paid via credit card by clicking on the "Add To Cart" tab on the bottom of this page and filling out member(s) details online during payment process.

In the "Special instructions for seller" please include a (family?) contact phone number.



Membership can also be paid by bank transfer. BANK DETAILS
BSB 067400 ACCOUNT 28010474

Don’t forget to put your name as the 'Reference', otherwise we may not know you’ve paid.

Download and complete the Membership Application Form via the link provided and post it to PO Box 799, Burnie 7320 or scan and email it to

Download Membership Application



1. Members actions will at all times be in the best interests of the NWCC.
2.  Members at all times will encourage, support and positively engage other
members. This includes in social media and any other public forum.
3.  Members actions will at all times create and foster a positive and responsible
image for the NWCC and Motorsport in general.
4.  Members will not bring the image of the NWCC or Motorsport into disrepute by the following or other behaviours deemed as unsportsmanlike or not in the best interests of the NWCC:
 a.  Will not undertake practice, sighting or pre-running of any public
Motorsport venue
  b.  When travelling to and from events or using competition cars on public roads
at any time, members must always adhere to the road rules and act in a
sensible manner.

  As we are reliant on the Police, Councils, State Government and private landholders for the use of property to hold our events on, it is critically important that as NWCC members that we are seen to be doing the right thing at all times. Please remember your conduct reflects on all of us.

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